
Main Scratch account

What the Hex?

What the Hex? A color guessing game to learn hex color codes. Inspired Hex Codes & Color Theory and based on the original What the Hex?.

Handulum Physics

Handulum Physics A physics engine for the Handulum game. Based on Handulum by Stuffed Wombat.

Bezier Curve with Multiple Points

Bezier Curve with Multiple Points A visual demostration for constructing Bézier curves.

How to lag your computer, Pusheen style.

How to lag your computer, Pusheen style. Learn to meow in 85 languages!

Compressed Cloud Encoder

Compressed Cloud Encoder Compress text data using a modified Huffman Encoding algorithm. Useful for size-limited cloud variables.

Rotating Pen Text Engine

Rotating Pen Text Engine A rotating pen text engine!

Custom Mouse Cursor

Custom Mouse Cursor Custom mouse cursors! Uses Accurate Mouse XY Limit Workaround to work offscreen.